Quantum Software Consortium

Quantum for the younger generation Symposium in Utrecht

Doutzen Abma (CWI, QSC/QDNL), Nathalie Thielen (TU/e, QDNL), Mikael Fremling (UU, QuMat) and Kim Krijtenburg-Lewerissa (UU, Freudenthal Institute) will organise the fourth QDNL/QSC/QuMat symposium in the Minnaert Building in Utrecht. The theme is Quantum Outreach and Coherence. 


This symposium is organised by the gravity projects Materials for the Quantum age (QuMat), Quantum Software Consortium (QSC) and Quantum Delta Netherlands Action Line 3.6. AL3.6 deals with talent/human capital for the younger generation, till 18 years.


Below is the preliminary schedule for the QDNL, QSC, QuMat symposium


Quantum physics in class: how can we support teachers?
Kirsten Stadermann, University of Twente
In this presentation, we will discuss an approach utilizing professional learning networks (PLNs) to enhance teacher knowledge, self-efficacy, and pedagogical skills in quantum physics. Key components include building trust, supporting teacher needs and interests, practical and conceptual discussion, and developing pedagogical content knowledge by (a) evaluating and adapting instructional materials and (b)   hands-on sessions in the student Q-lab laboratory. Outcomes and teacher perspectives from a quantum PLN will be shared along with implications for supporting teacher professional growth.  
Towards coherence in quantum education research
Kim Krijtenburg - Lewerissa, Utrecht University
Teaching quantum mechanics conceptually faces significant challenges due to its inherently counterintuitive nature. As quantum physics is relatively new to secondary school curricula, and can be approached using various perspectives and topics – e.g. the historical, experimental-based, and spin first approach – research into students’ difficulties while learning QP is rather fragmented. During this presentation I will present several examples of research into students’ learning of quantum concepts. Additionally, I will substantiate the importance of international collaboration and highlight the efforts of a collaboration between European quantum education researchers, who are striving to gain insights into students’ learning and develop a quantum concept inventory.


Quantum philosophy in upper secondary education

Bohr and Einstein had different interpretations of quantum mechanics. Four common perspectives on QM will be put forward in the workshop. These perspectives have been made accessible to students in secondary education through online QM-philosophy lessons. These will be shared with the participants to start a discussion on the generally chosen Bohr-interpretation in text books.

Lesley de Putter
Eindhoven School of Education, TU/e
Tim Bouchée
Eindhoven School of Education, TU/e
Outreach with quantum-games

Games can be an effective method for teaching a new concept to people from all backgrounds and age groups, especially for a topic as complex as quantum. There are already many existing quantum games out there, but the challenge is to use these games to reach as many different audiences as possible. Choosing a different game for every audience is very time consuming and difficult. It is much easier to use the same simple game and adapt it to suit your different goals. In this workshop we will work on how to use the same quantum game (TiqTaqToe) to reach many different audiences.

Cintia Perugachi Israëls

Quantum Education Officer, Leiden University

Michiel Thijssen

High School Liaison & Teacher, Leiden University.

Using a Bloch sphere to make Quantum 'easy'
Quantum and Qubits are very complex, and the math for Quantum gates ain’t easy. Still we can use a Bloch sphere to make Quantum ‘easy’ for normal people by creating a different way of having people play with a Bloch Sphere in an attractive gamified way. In this workshop we will explain what we have created, and what and how we explain things to different age groups. We would like to ask your input to improve this work for outreach.
Dimitri van Esch

Business consultant Quantum Amsterdam & CEO Quantum Gateway Foundation

Femke Verheijen

Quantum Educational Officer, Applied University of Amsterdam (HvA)

Update NLT-module Quantum Ready

At the TU Delft we are building and developing several hands-on student activities on quantum technology. Some of these will find their way in a lesson module aimed at upper level havo students for the subject Natuur, Leven & Technologie (NLT: Nature, Life and Technology). In this update we will present the current state of the lesson module and give some examples of the activities we have built. The aim of the lesson series is to introduce havo-students to core quantum concepts by linking them to concrete activities as much as possible. In the current havo curriculum there is no place for quantum. With this module we hope to give students a basic quantum understanding to better prepare them for follow up studies.

Lodewijk Koopman, TU Delft
UU Quantum Lab

More info will come…..



The QDNL symposium is organized as a collaboration on QDNL, QSC and QuMat.

Local organizers are Mikael Fremling (QuMat) and Kim Krijtenburg – Lewerissa (UU). QDNL organizers are Doutzen Abma (QSC, QuSoft, CWI) and Nathalie Thielen (TU/e).

QuMat        FinalChoiceQSC logo  QDNL-logo-horizontal-pos-RGB (1)

When: Friday May 24th, 2024
Time: 10:00 - 18:00
Where: Utrecht, Minnaert Building