Inspirational Talks from the Women In Quantum Deverlopment World (WIQD): Rianne Lous
We warmly invite you to join the monthly event “Inspiring Talks from the WIQD world”!
Every month, an inspiring role model will talk about their journey: what did they do to get to the point where they are today? What obstacles have they encountered, what successes have they celebrated and what tips do they have for their audience?
In March, we will welcome Rianne Lous. Rianne Lous obtained her PhD from the university of Innsbruck before joining the university of Amsterdam on a Marie Curie fellowship as a postdoc. Since June 2022 she is a tenure track assistant professor at Eindhoven university of technology were she is building up her own lab on hybrid ion-atom mixtures and joined the Rydberg atom quantum computing-team within the coherence and quantum technology group. Her expertise focuses on experiments with ultracold atoms, quantum gases and trapped ions.
Date and time: 23 March 2023, 17:00–18:00 (Online)
*** Register for the event ***
When you register for the event, you will receive the online link via e-mail the week of the event. We hope to see you then!