Preparations for NMC 2025 are well underway, and the programme is taking shape. We have invited inspiring speakers. Plenary lectures by Benjamin Gess (Technische Universität Berlin / Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Science, Leipzig), Corina Tarnita (Princeton University), and Jacob Tsimerman (University of Toronto).
We cordially invite you to the 13th General Assembly of the Quantum Software Consortium (QSC), which will take place in Amsterdam on 12 June 2025. It will be organised by Tim Coopmans (QuTech, TU Delft) and Arghavan Safavi-Naini (QuSoft, IoP, UvA). There will be several presentations ranging from mathematics, cryptography and quantum information to experimental quantum optics. Serge Fehr (CWI, Univ Leiden), Krystal Guo (KdVI, UvA), Álvaro G Iñesta (QuTech, TU Delft), Mariagrazia Iuliano (QuTech, TU Delft) and Jeremy Young (IoP, UvA) will give talks.
The 57th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2025) is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation Theory and will be held in Prague, Czech Republic.
STOC 2025 is part of a 5-day TheoryFest with an expanded program of STOC papers, poster sessions, and a broad cross-section of invited talks, workshops, tutorials, and social events
QCrypt 2025 is the 15th edition of the yearly international scientific conference presenting last year’s top results in quantum cryptography. See the list of previous conferences here.
For now, these updated dates are referenced on the QCrypt 2025.
The Quantum Network Workshop is a full 3-day workshop providing an excellent opportunity for researchers, academics and industry professionals to come together and discuss the latest advances in quantum networks. World-leading researchers will present inspiring invited talks, complimented by exciting contributed talks and posters. QuNeW ensures a balanced coverage of many sub-fields of quantum networking.