Quantum Software Consortium

19th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography (TQC 2024)

This is the nineteenth in a series of conferences that aims to bring together the leading students and researchers working in the theoretical aspects of quantum information science to present and discuss the latest advances in the field.

The 19th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography (TQC 2024)

Okinawa, Japan
September 9-13, 2024


Areas of interest for TQC include, but are not restricted to:
   • quantum algorithms
   • models of quantum computation
   • quantum complexity theory
   • simulation of quantum systems
   • quantum cryptography
   • quantum communication
   • quantum information theory
   • quantum estimation and measurement
   • quantum error correction and fault-tolerant quantum computing
   • intersection of quantum information and condensed-matter theory
   • intersection of quantum information and machine learning

IMPORTANT DATES (AoE, Anywhere on Earth)

Proceedings and without proceedings tracks:
   • Opening of submission server: February 6th, 2024
   • Submission server:  https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=tqc2024
   • Submission deadline: February 23rd, 2024
   • Notification to authors: April 15th, 2024
   • Final manuscript deadline: TBA (for accepted proceedings)
Poster submissions only:
   • Opening of submission server: March 20th, 2024
   • Submission deadline: April 20th, 2024
   • Notification to authors: April 30th, 2024
Conference: September 9th to September 13rd, 2024
Note: Talk submissions that are not retained will automatically be considered for the poster session.


As the goal of TQC is to bring together researchers on all aspects of quantum information, submissions are solicited for two tracks: Proceedings (talk and proceedings) and Without proceedings (talk only). It is possible to present a poster if a submission is not accepted for a talk, in either track, and poster-only submissions are also possible.

In recent years the overall acceptance rate for all papers submitted to TQC has been approximately 25%. The PC will target a minimum of 10 articles to be published in the proceedings and therefore the acceptance rates could differ between the two tracks. One of the Proceedings track submissions will be selected for an Outstanding Paper Prize.

PROCEEDINGS TRACK (talk + proceedings)

Submissions to this track must be original manuscripts that have not previously appeared in published form and are not simultaneously submitted to another publishing venue. Accepted papers will be presented orally at the conference and will be published in the conference proceedings.

Submission format: The manuscript should be submitted as a single PDF file. There is no page limit and authors are encouraged to use the "full version" of their paper as the submission.  Nonetheless, material other than the abstract, table of contents, and the first ten pages will be read at the committee's discretion. The submission should have the following format:
   • The text must be in a single column format, use at least 11-point fonts, and have reasonable margins.
   • The submission should begin with a title, a list of authors, and a short abstract. If the work is currently under submission to, has been accepted at, or has been presented at any other conference(s) or workshop (without proceedings), this should be indicated on the first page of the submission.
   • The introduction should summarize the contributions of the paper, at a level appropriate for a non-specialist reader.
Publication: Accepted manuscripts for the conference track will be published in late 2024 in the TQC 2024 proceedings, as part of the well-known open-access LIPIcs–Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics series.

Final version: If your manuscript is accepted for publication in the proceedings, you will receive instructions on how to prepare the final revised version together with the notification.


We solicit submissions for talk-only papers; accepted submissions will be presented orally at the conference but will not appear in the proceedings. This track allows authors to publish their work elsewhere and accepts already published material. Previously published submissions must still be current to be competitive for acceptance.

Submission format: Submissions should include both an extended abstract and a technical version.
   • The extended abstract (at most 3 pages, not including references) should contain a non-technical, clear and insightful description of the main ideas, results, and their impact,  and it will be used to evaluate the results' originality and importance. It should have at least 11-point fonts and reasonable margins. If the work is currently under submission to, has been accepted at, or has been presented at any other conference(s) or workshop, this should be indicated on the first page of the submission.
   • The technical manuscript (no page limit) will be used to verify the correctness of the submission if necessary. Even if the manuscript comes from an on-line repository, a PDF copy must be uploaded. Moreover, if the submission consists of multiple papers they should be merged into a single file.
The Program Committee reserves the right to decide how to treat submissions that deviate from the above format, including rejection of submissions solely on the basis of their format.


Talk submissions that are not retained will automatically be considered for the poster session (in both tracks). In addition, you can submit your work for a poster-only presentation.
Poster-only submissions must either consist of a short summary (2 pages) of the work, or follow the guidelines from either of the tracks above.
Some of the posters might be marked as Spotlight posters at the discretion of the PC.


As a research community, our goal is that contributed talks at quantum information conferences reflect the breadth of our field. We therefore discourage the parallel submission of works that were previously accepted or presented as talks at a conference with a similar scope, such as QIP.

On the first page of your submission, indicate if your work is currently under submission to, has been accepted at, or has been presented at any other conference or workshop, as a talk. If that is the case, quickly discuss the reason for the multiple submissions as well as significant differences relative to these submissions. The assessment of this information is at the Programme Committee’s discretion. This only concerns submissions to the Without proceedings track.


Please direct any questions or comments to the PC chairs at tqc2024@easychair.org


Srinivasan Arunachalam, IBM
Alexander Belovs, University of Latvia
Mario Berta, RWTH Aachen University
Xavier Bonnetain, Inria Nancy
Alex Bredariol Grilo, CNRS, Paris
Jop Briet, CWI
Marco Cerezo, LANL
Nai-Hui Chia, Rice University
Nicolas Delfosse, IonQ
Ernesto Galvão, INL
Uma Girish, Princeton
Tom Gur, University of Cambridge
Yassine Hamoudi, CNRS Bordeaux
Dominik Hangleiter, QuICS (UMD & NIST)
Chris Heunen, University of Edinburgh
Christoph Hirche, TU Munich and CQT NUS
Nick Hunter-Jones, UT Austin
John Kallaugher, Sandia National Laboratories
Shelby Kimmel, Middlebury College
Robert Koenig, TU Munich
Felix Leditzky, UIUC
Tongyang Li, Peking University
Jiahui Liu, MIT
Frederic Magniez, CNRS, Paris
Alex May, Perimeter Institute and University of Waterloo
Mio Murao, University of Tokyo
Ion Nechita, CNRS, Toulouse
Harumichi Nishimura, Nagoya University
Tom O'Brien, Google Quantum AI
Subhasree Patro, Utrecht University and QuSoft
Supartha Podder, Stony Brook University
Alexander Poremba, MIT
Luowen Qian, Boston University
Patrick Rebentrost, CQT
Norbert Schuch, University of Vienna
Thomas Schuster, Caltech
Makrand Sinha, UIUC
Fang Song, Portland State University
David Sutter, IBM Zurich
Mario Szegedy, Rutgers University
Marcelo Terra Cunha, Unicamp
Dave Touchette, Sherbrooke University
Dominic Verdon, University of Bristol
Nathan Wiebe, University of Toronto
Dominic Williamson, University of Sydney
Penghui Yao, Nanjing University
Ted Yoder, IBM


Local organizers in Okinawa:
David Elkouss Coronas, OIST
Kae Nemoto, OIST
Slawomir Rosiek, OIST
Yukari Yoseda, OIST

International organizers:
Lídia del Rio, Squids
Nuriya Nurgalieva, Squids


Andris Ambainis, University of Latvia
Eric Chitambar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Kai-Min Chung, Academia Sinica
Steve Flammia, AWS Center for Quantum Computing
François Le Gall, Nagoya University [co-chair]
Min-Hsiu Hsieh, Hon Hai (Foxconn) [chair]
Kae Nemoto, OIST
Lídia del Rio, Squids

When: Monday September 9th, 2024  -  Friday September 13th, 2024
Where: Okinawa, Japan