Quantum Software Consortium


4th QSC Quantum Training Days


The 4th QSC (Quantum Software Consortium) Quantum Training on post-quantum cryptography took place on June 29th and 30th, 2023, at the CWI Amsterdam Science Park Congress Centre. Designed for PhD candidates, postdocs, and advanced MSc students, the training offered valuable insights into the implications of quantum computers on cryptography and quantum-safe cryptography.


Day 1: Understanding Cryptography and Quantum Computers
The training began with an exploration of cryptography, covering cryptographic models and assumptions. Led by Lisa Kohl from CWI Amsterdam and Peter Bruin from MI Leiden, the first day provided a comprehensive overview of secure communication and the role of cryptography in modern society. The lecturers emphasized the potential threats posed by quantum computers and delved into modular arithmetic and Shor's algorithm, which enables efficient factorization using quantum principles. Exercises were incorporated to solidify participants' understanding. During breaks and lunch, participants had the opportunity to socialize and network with others in the field.

Day 2: Quantum-Safe Cryptographic Assumptions and Encryption Schemes
The second day focused on quantum-safe cryptographic assumptions and encryption schemes. The lecturers provided a strong foundation for designing secure encryption methods resilient against quantum attacks. They explained several NIST candidate schemes, discussing their mathematical principles and security features. Practical exercises were conducted to apply the knowledge gained. The schedule included breaks and a lunch period, allowing participants to engage in discussions and forge connections with fellow researchers.

In conclusion, the 4th QSC Quantum Training on post-quantum cryptography provided an immersive and informative experience over the course of two days. Through its comprehensive coverage of cryptography, quantum computers, quantum-safe assumptions, and encryption schemes, the training equipped participants with valuable knowledge and insights. The breaks and lunch periods not only offered a chance to recharge but also served as valuable networking opportunities, fostering connections and collaborations among attendees. Overall, this training program played a crucial role in advancing participants' understanding of post-quantum cryptography and establishing connections within the vibrant community of researchers in this field.