Quantum Software Consortium

Upcoming events

  • The Dutch Research School of Theoretical Physics (DRSTP) is organizing its annual events from 13-17 May in Wageningen.

    Due to generous support of the Lorentz Fund, we are able to offer limited fellowships for talented MSc students in Theoretical Physics.

  • Quantum for the younger generation Symposium in Utrecht

    Doutzen Abma (CWI, QSC/QDNL), Nathalie Thielen (TU/e, QDNL), Mikael Fremling (UU, QuMat) and Kim Krijtenburg-Lewerissa (UU, Freudenthal Institute) will organise the fourth QDNL/QSC/QuMat symposium in the Minnaert Building in Utrecht. The theme is Quantum Outreach and Coherence. 


  • 11th QSC General Assembly in Delft

    We invite you to the 11th edition of the Quantum Software Consortium (QSC) General Assembly which will be held at the TU Delft on May 31, 2024 and is organized by Gayane Vardoyan and Wolfgang Löffler. Harry Buhrman, Richard Gill, Sarah Arpin, Yaroslav Herasymenko and Mio Poortvliet will give presentations, from mathematics over cryptography and quantum information to experimental quantum optics.

  • QSC 5th Quantum Training on quantum machine learning in Leiden.

    Vedran Dunjko (LIACS, Leiden) and Evert van Nieuwenburg (LIACS, Leiden) will be the key lecturers on the 5th QSC Quantum Training on quantum machine learning. This training will be organized at Leiden University. 

    The Quantum Training is primarily aimed at PhD students and postdocs.  Advanced MSc students in quantum are also welcome to attend.

  • STOC 2024 - 56th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing

    The 56th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2024) is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation Theory and will be held at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Monday, June 24 - Friday, June 28, 2024.

  • QCrypt 2024 is the 14th edition of the Annual Conference on Quantum Cryptography.

    QCrypt 2024 is the 14th edition of the Annual Conference on Quantum Cryptography. The conference will be held in Vigo, Spain, from September 2nd to September 6th, 2024. 

    The deadline for submitting contributed talks/posters to QCrypt 2024 is April 16, 2024. 

  • The 19th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography (TQC 2024)

    This is the nineteenth in a series of conferences that aims to bring together the leading students and researchers working in the theoretical aspects of quantum information science to present and discuss the latest advances in the field.
